Purple Crayon Players Presents:

The 16th Annual PLAYground Festival of Fresh Works


April 20 & 21

Saturday, 04/20 11 a.m.
Saturday 04/20 2 p.m.
Sunday 04/21 11 a.m

Mussetter-Struble Theater
1949 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208

Come enjoy 3 BRAND NEW plays for young audiences at Northwestern University! Each play will be performed only once over the course of the weekend, but we welcome everyone to come to all three. Tickets are FREE! PLAYground is a growing opportunity for all of these plays, and our playwrights welcome your feedback on how their piece impacted you, as they continue workshopping and revising!

Evanston Public Library PLAYground Workshop/Preview
April 19th , 2024 at 4-5:30 PM, Evanston Public Library (Main Library)

Join the artists of the PLAYground Festival of Fresh Works for a day of magical performances and fun activities to celebrate theatre for young audiences! Watch sneak peaks of the plays, do fun activities, and meet the playwrights!

Click HERE to register!

Times are listed in CDT. Please contact PLAYgroundTYAfestival@gmail.com with questions.

The PLAYground Festival for Fresh Works celebrates new theatre for young audiences plays from the best playwrights across the country. In its 16th year, the nationally acclaimed Purple Crayon Players organization partners Northwestern University students with professional playwrights to develop plays for young audiences. All programming is free to the community. This festival is family friendly and accessible.